
Commentary: Relationships and sordid things

I will be the first person to admit that I have a predatory nature, but I find this passage slightly depressing to read because I feel that I haven't changed a lot since writing this entry. I still go out and get drunk and try it on with random girls. I believe that at the time I was frustrated that I didn't have a relationship then, but as I state the conditions didn't really exist, well not until this year, which is why I added the reference to one of my more recent entries about my most recent girlfriend Natalia. Frustratingly that broke up despite there being more favourable conditions.

I am embarrassed by the fact that at that point I believed that the ultimate goal of a relationship with a girl was to have sex with her and that everything else is just pointless. However I am glad that I no longer think like this. The only sordid thing at the time I wrote this was me. I never did continue this 'essay'.

I remember where I was when I wrote this, I was in the cafĂ© section of Blackwell's on Broad Street.

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